Bb1. (north of Lime Kiln Point Rd.; sec. 17 [per map in Mackinac County ... Plat Book (2009), but may be sec 14*], T.39N.-R. 2W.) Extra no. 1:
This former barn, the photograph of which dates to 1911, is recalled as "rather low but long and built substantially of logs . . . [It was at the] Vosper logging camp [, which] was located about mid-way between the Pines and the west end of Bois Blanc Is., and there were about 35 lumberjacks involved in this camp. ' kind of hard to believe today because there is nothing left but a little clearing -- mostly overgrown" (Jim Vosper, p.c., 2011). A different photograph of the same barn is in Vosper (2001, p. 20). (photo � courtesy Jim Vosper)
* The location is "C & I ..." lot, which is northwest of the airplane symbol, west of the name of the road, and directly below the 17 on the plat book map (ibid.).